Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Yesterday's Quotes

"Daddy I haven't seen you in a while!"- Christopher around 9:30 PM to try to manipulate him into letting him out of bed.

"Mommy, why do you have to take medicine?" So, I'm not sick anymore dear, and get all better. And, so you and Daddy don't get sick from me. "Why do you have to go to the Doctor?" There they give me a piece of paper so I can get medicine at a different store. "Oh ok."

"Mommy read my Cars book!" "PWEAAASE?"

"Daddy made me a peanut butter and jelly Tortilla!"

"Mommy read my Sea Urchin book pwwweeeease?"

"The piano player is here!" As we were having family home evening. Honey, you need to put the piano player away until after Family Home Evening. *sad face :( * pout "ooookay."

"Daddy what did our neighbors say to you this morning?" Around 10 pm to try to strike conversation with Dad so he can stay up longer. Daddy was confused and had no idea what he was talking about.

"What did you see at Wheeler Farm with Grandma Cheryl today?"
"Pigs, goats, roosters, chickens and ducks. I pet the goats!"
That sounds really fun!


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