Friday, October 7, 2011

Jesus the Alternator

I got a cookie and it's shaped like a ghost!" Mommy; Let me take a picture of you with it. He proceeds to bite one eye off before I do. The result is the photo above!

"Good Job Mommy! Good Catch Mommy! Awesome Catch Mommy!" Thank you. "Oh, you're welcome!"
I taught him to catch a ball today. He also learned how to spike it with two hands.

My son just said Jesus is the Alternator, pointing to our picture of Christ. He then stated; "Jesus is next to the Alternator." He has such an imagination!

My son has a scratch on his thigh. He said a kid bit me in class yesterday! Then he relented "A tiger bit me!" I said, "You're making up lies aren't you?" He shook his head yes! Haha!

My son went pee in his triceratops potty last night. It was only a few drops but it counts! Yay!

"I want to be a girl mommy! I wanted to be a girl last year!"
Mommy:Why would you want to be a girl? Then you have to wear make up, cook and do your hair! "Because I wanna be like Mommy!"
Mommy: Daddy always wanted a boy first he didn't want a girl. I'm glad you're a boy too.Daddy knew you were a boy before I did. You are special.

"I am so handsome!" He said as he's looking at himself brushing his hair.
Mommy: Yes, you are super handsome! I love you Christopher!

"I got a Dinosaur!"
"The Dinosaur doesn't sleep! The Dinosaur no wants to sleep!"
After I said he needs to have a nap. He didn't get a nap today.

"Mommy I'm coming in front of you to keep you warm!" We were walking to a store and were outside, I was bundling up and cold. He hugged me as he said this. I love my sweet son!

We tried on Utah and Y clothes today. He loves all of them, but most of all likes looking at his own face in the mirror! He can't  fit in his 2T winter hats from last year anymore. He loves the old Mohawk like hat he had last year but his head is too big!

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