Friday, September 9, 2011

Sept. 9, 2011 Update

I will probably be updating this as the day goes on, but he's already done some pretty adorable things today!

When he woke up I said, "Christopher are you wet?" He said, "No." So I replied; "Are you lying?" His response was; "Mmmmhmmm." So cute, he was wet so we took care of that, but it's so funny when he says things like that!

My husband took him to the Aquarium this morning when he left he said, "I love you forever Mommy!" "I'm going to see the octopus, stingrays and the lobster- that Grandpa Joe and Daddy eat!"

Yesterday there were a lot of really comical quotes but late last night after he was supposed to be asleep, he said, "Uh oh Daddy forgot to give me a bath!" "Ooooooh". In a sad tone, and I said Daddy and Mommy did give you a bath but you fought us hard and splashed water all over the bathroom! You didn't want it but now you do, because it's time for bed. He knows I'm smart too. Silly, sweet boy!

"Daddy, I love you!" I love you too. "You're the best Daddy in the whole wide world!" "Do you know where my Nemo fish is?" "No, you were being naughty before so you don't get it right now." *whimper, whine* "Oooooh." "Dad, you're the best Dad in the whole wide world, can I have it now?" No, son.

"Daddy I want the big Ipad, can I get the big Ipad?" No. "Oooooh don't you love me?" Father giggles at our son's manipulation techniques.


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