Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I am in school and as you may have guessed the end of the term is nearing.
Therefore, I am uncommonly busy and want to go on vacation because my brain is tired.
I interviewed for a job and well, let's just say I'd be losing more than I was making, and I was never called back when I was told I would be. So, I'm really better off. But, I'm feeling the pressure of this time of year for sure. Anyhow, I wanted to share with you some of my son's adorable quotes and pictures.

                              Dirt Cupcake with earthworm. "I want that one!" At One Sweet Slice yesterday
                                      Daddy time for a little right after nap today, he's watching Mario on the D.S.
A Box and a Boy, why do we buy him toys again?
                                              Eating Noodles at Pei Wei with Chopsticks!
                                                        Swording with a stick in the snow!
                                                             Daytime Daddy/Son Time
                                                        Swording with his stick outside!

"Oh no! It's terrible! He doesn't have anything to get the monsters with!"

"I can FLY!" He jumps off the couch multiple times and falls on his hands and knees.

"That's so cool! Is that cool?"

"I want to break..." He says he wants to break various things when he is angry.

"Oh no! There are no more crackers! I need more crackers! OOOOOH:(!"

"Bad behavior! I'm being bad behavior!" He actually was being naughty. Insightful this one, and very observant.

To our waiter at Olive Garden;
"What's your name?" John.
"Do you live at Olive Garden?" Practically!
Mommy: He doesn't live here he just works here a lot.

"You are Mommy, but sometimes I call you Chelsea."

Mommy; You need to call me Mommy. You are the only one who can call me Mommy, besides Daddy.

"I can call you Chelsea sometimes." Oh dear it begins. I tried to set him straight and tell him what to call me but he wouldn't have it. So, I just let it go. Boys are hilarious.

"I call you Daddy, your name is Robert. I can call you Robert sometimes."

Daddy; You can call me Daddy.

"No, I can call you Robert sometimes."

"This is not flying, this is falling with style!" He exclaims as he jumps off the couch 3 times!

Happy Tuesday night!


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