Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My son is Juvenile

The last few days my son has been saying some pretty crazy things.

I thought I'd share some with you.

Yesterday we were making Gingerbread Houses at a Family party.

He said; "I'm pooing." "I'm pooing this on."  I was like what?
He was trying to say he was putting this on, (the candy on the Gingerbread House Roof).

For the past few months Robert has been singing the main 2 lines of "Whoop There it is" and "Boom Shuck a Lucka"to try to be funny and make Christopher laugh. I told him I really dislike those songs and they are not
good songs. That he should be careful what he says or sings to a 3 year old because it will come back to him.
Well, turns out I was right!
This morning Christopher sings (more like shouts); "Poop Shuck a Lucka and SMACK YOUR BUTT!" And then smacks his bum. Needless to say I was shocked! I gave my husband the "I told you so!" look and disciplined my child. He should not be saying potty mouth things like that or behaving that way!
Needless to say, they were both in trouble!

On our way to the Aquarium today my son was being very loud in the car as I was driving.
I chimed in; "Christopher, if you be quiet you can hear yourself think!"
Christopher's reply; " Why would you tell me to talk to myself in my head?"
After I laughed I said; "Because it would help Mommy drive safe!"

Christopher; "Why is the Cop here?" We were at Noodles eating lunch.
"Is he giving someone a ticket? Is someone in trouble?"
Mommy; "No, honey, he has to eat lunch too!"

Hope these make you snicker like they did me!

Happy Holidays, happy Thursday & I  hope you are all getting ready for Christmas,
New Year's and all other Holidays your
Family Celebrates!


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