Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Terrific Tuesday!

I love my son so much and he's done so many adorable things today!

Today as I was picking him up from his class at Daycare he was supposed to be lining up to go outside.
I walked in and caught him being uncooperative as his teacher asked him to stand up multiple times.
Then I asked him, "Are you being a good boy?" He sheepishly replied, "No." And I said, "Well, at least you're not lying, but you need to be good for your teachers and it's time to go." Boys are fun aren't they? So adventurous and belligerent! Well at least mine is! Keep in mind he has 2 very opinionated, boisterous and loquacious parents who are extremely stubborn and strong-willed! What did I think we were going to get?
A compliant child! Ha! Now he can be compliant at times and he's amazingly advanced for his age, but his usual response is the opposite of the one we as parents want to hear. It just makes me laugh thinking about it!

Aug. 30, 2011 quotes; ‎1. "When me's big me can drive the car and you can have sniffles in the car seat?"- My son.
This made me really put things in perspective. I tried to explain to him," When I'm older I'd be sitting in the front seat and use a walker or a cane. And Christopher, you will have to help me get in the car so I don't get hurt. And you will have children that will sit in the car seat I will be their Grandma, just like you have a Grandma Cheryl. And I'll give them presents. But, you will still get presents from Grandma Cheryl." I think I confused him! That's a lot to explain!

2. "I want to fly like Toy Story!" I had to tell him to not jump off the stairs and try to fly because he would fall and hurt himself. Good thing he listened!

Have a great Tuesday! 


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