Monday, August 29, 2011

Monday Monday!

Today is Monday, I have no school but I have lots of reading and some online course work. My son was in the bathroom and I thought he was washing his hands. Even though I said, "Honey, what are you doing?" With no answer. He brings this huge play bucket of water in my room, where my computer, Iphone and Ipod are and says, "Mommy can you fix this?" I am laughing inside thinking about it! The bucket is less than half full and I didn't even realize there is water in it, it gets on my bed, Comforter and on my carpet in my room! The handle part was what had come off; easily re-attachable but seriously why does my kid have such an attachment to playing with water in my house?

Aug. 29 Quotes; ‎"I ate spongebob,*chomp chomp*, I'm fighting him *pow pow* I beat him, I got my power! I beat him he's dead."  Afterwhich I said we don't hurt or get things dead honey it's not nice.

"The Spider Book says the green seeds smell the best in the whole world!" This one really made me laugh!

My son is turning 3 in a few days and he got a scripture marker and bracelet in Primary at our church yesterday.
He says to me today, "Where's my scripture marking thing?" And then asks, " Where are my scriptures?" He starts trying to mark them with an unsharpened red scripture marker pencil. I have to explain to him we need a pencil sharpener for that. I love my son!

I just thought I'd share. I hope it makes you laugh or at least brightens your day a bit! What are your thoughts?


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